About Cheviot Sheep

Cheviots were first introduced to the US in 1838 from Scotland. You probably won’t be surprised to hear that the Cheviot breed originated on the border of Scotland and England: the Cheviot Hills. This sheep breed offers farmers a lot of benefits, particularly those located in the US or Australia.

Why We Should Eat More Lamb

Lamb meat has eight essential amino acids in the proper ratios, has high-quality protein, and is high in B vitamins, zinc and iron. And lamb is pretty lean compared to other red meats. Most of the fat is on the outside, not marbled throughout the meat, so it’s easily trimmed off.

Lamb is an awesome source of B12, just 3 ounces of lamb meat will provide half of most people’s daily B12 requirements. But that’s not all — lamb is also loaded with other essential B vitamins. The meat is very tender,sweet and mild.


89 Camp Orange Rd Middletown, NY 10941